Saturday, March 7, 2009

Poof Tag

Hey this is Master CoraPoof and Master GolliePoof!

Here is another Poof Game:

Poof-Tag: for 2 players or more
Draw about 15ish circles of about the same circumference randomly but around one foot or two (the distance should be easily able to be jumped) on a granite driveway with chalk (or if you don't have permission to do so, cut out circles out of paper and place them randomly around a flat surface).
Give each non-blindfolded player little paper slips (see below for how many are non-blindfolded; in total, the slips should equal to be the same number as the number of small circles)
In the middle, draw a circle big enough for all of your players to fit inside loosely.
Make starting lines around the big circle (one per player).
If there are 2-3 players, one should be blindfolded. If there are 4-5 players, 2 should be blindfolded. If there are 6-7 players, 3 should be blindfolded, and etc.
Everyone should begin on their own starting line. The blindfolded person/people count for 5 seconds (1, 2, 3, 4, POOF!). While this happens, the non-blindfolded person/people get a head start for 5 seconds and they begin to hop around onto the little circles they have made.
After 5 seconds, the blindfolded person/people run around, trying to catch the others (you might want adult supervision for this!) They can say "Poof" if they want to get the reply "Tag" from the non-blindfolded person/people for a hint to their location.
The non-blindfolded person/people keep jumping around. Every time they hop on a circle, they should drop a slip of paper onto it as to show that they have been on that circle. They must continue jumping until every circle has been jumped on by one player or more. Once every circle has a slip on it, the non-blindfolded person/people try to jump (not dropping any slips, which should all be gone by now) to the large center circle without getting caught. The people who successfully do this without getting tagged receive one point. If the blindfolded people/person successfully tag the others, they get two points per person they tagged.
Then, gather your slips and play again!