Friday, November 7, 2008

Poof Fish Announced

The Basslet Black Cap is officially our Poof Fish!!!!

Poof Fish Input Needed

I have an idea for the Poof Fish. How do you like it???? It's name is the Basslet Black Cap and it's a really pretty fish (in my opinion!!!!).


Thank you for participating!!!! 

-Cora Poof

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Poof Flower Poll Ends Now!!!!

Hooray!!!! We finally have our results for the Poof Flower Poll!!!!

The Winner:


The score was:

Periwinkle Flower: 5
Queen Elizabeth Rose: 0
Blanket Flower: 0
Pink Edge: 3
Purple Lotus Flower: 3

Very Awesome!!!! Let's hope that all of our polls are as awesome!!!!

-Master Cora Poof

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

Everyone Remember to Set Your Clocks Back One Hour!!!!

- Cora Poof

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Few Explanations...

So you might be wanting a few explanations a to why this blog exists.
Look at the subtitle to the blog. That pretty much explains it.
Then of course you ask yourself, "What is a poof?"
Well that is really the most easiest yet the most hardest question ever asked in the universe.
Everyone is a poof.
We are all united because of it.
Yet no one really knows what they are.
Poof can simply be a random word that you feel like saying at a random time you feel like saying it.
If you want an exact, particular meaning for it then I'm afraid that you have come to the wrong place.

"Poof" can mean anything, so if you want to know how to speak another language, yet you don't have time too actually learn it, then speak poof!
This is what the greeting, "Hello! How are you doing today?" is in Poof:
"Poof! Poof poof poof poof poof?"
So yep.
Anyone can speak it.
That is why everyone is a poof!
You see, we are humans, but a long time ago, we were all cheerful little poofs without a care in the world and it was easy to tell because we looked quite poofy. (Please don't ask us for a definition)
Then things happened, and we eventually evolved into what we are now: Rushing, worrying, war-starting beings.
But we all have a bit of poof energy still in us.
That is our good side.
Some people have more then others.
These are the caring, compassionate souls who really care about the world.
Well, I hope that clears up a few things.
Clear as mud?
-Master GolliePoof

Then thing

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Poof Color ANNOUNCED!!!!

Gollie Poof and I met at a Poof Academy (There are currently about 4 academies) and we decided upon the Poof Color. It is................



After days and days and days and days of waiting, the Poof Song is FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!

AND THE WINNER IS...............................

BANANA PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Raffi

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Poof Song

Well folks, it was a tie for the Poof Song. 4 people voted, and the outcome was 2-2 I like to Move it and Banana Phone. Gollie Poof and I will talk about the Poof Song today and determine the Poof Song. We'll tell you soon!!!!

-Cora Poof

Poof Color

Before we squeeze in the Butterfly Poll, I wanted to see if we could quickly and easily decide the Poof Color so we can base the Butterfly Poll on that color.

Our choices:

  1. Purple
  2. Blue
  3. Magenta
  4. Green

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Official Poof Butterfly- Suggestions Wanted

I have a few ideas already for the Poof Butterfly but I'd gladly accept any other ideas. I will put up a third poll shortly, after I have at least 8 ideas all together.

  • Monarch Butterfly
  • Swallowtail Butterfly
  • Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly
  • Silvery Blue Butterfly
  • Green Comma
  • Western White
Please send in your input and I hope that we will soon have a United Poof Official Butterfly!!!!

Official Poof Song

The Poof Song Poll is on the left side. Check it out and vote for your pick! Go to YouTube to view all of these songs!!!!

For both the Poof Flower and Song, there will be a rematch, eliminating the ones which only got 1 vote and/or the ones that didn't get any.

-Master Cora Poof

Sunday, October 12, 2008

the official poof song should be Banana phone, by Raffi , its really good!
- master Nova Poof

Monday, October 6, 2008

hi its Nova!!!!!!!!!! i was able to get on your blog
-master nova poof

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Official United Poof Day

United Poof Day is every October 4th, the day we first created this blog! 364 Days left!!!!

-Master CoraPoof

Poof Flower Poll Starts Now!!!!

I have done a Google Search to find my favorite flowers. Scroll down to the bottom of the site to look at our Poof Poll- Which flower do you like the best? Here are the choices:

Periwinkle Flower
Queen Elizabeth Rose Flower
The Blanket Flower
Pink Edge Flower
Purple Lotus Flower

The first few pictures in Google Search are usually really pretty. We'd really like to survey all poofs if we could, which is really hard. Spread the word to all of your friends!

- Master CoraPoof

Poofball Game

Yesterday CoraPoof and I were playing around and we tried to think of a good solid Poofball Game that could be the official Poof Game. We kinda sorta came up with some ideas, but we liked them all so we couldn't decide on just one. So here they are for all you Poofs to consider. Let us know which one you think should be the official Poof Game!
1. Throw a ball back and forth and each time the person who throws it claps once, then twice, three times, and so on as long as you can go. Start close and then back up as you keep throwing. If you can't back up any more, try throwing it high. Can be played with as many players as you want!
We will keep posting more ideas periodically. If you come up with any, feel free to post them on comments to this post!

-Master GolliePoof

Get Your Own Poof Name!!!!

Since EVERYONE is a Poof, I thought it would be cool if everyone had a poof name!!!!

Here's How:
  1. As your Title, put either 'Member' or 'Master', whichever you are.
  2. Use your nickname or first name.
  3. Add 'Poof' to the end!
  4. Here's my Poof name: Master CoraPoof
Whenever you comment or post to a blog, use your Poof Name!!!!

-Master CoraPoof

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Official Poof Flag

Today I met Gollie at a Poof Academy and we made the Official United Poof Flag. We are now working on finding an official poof flower and an official poof song. I thought maybe you'd all want to have a say in it, so I decided that once I have a good choice, I will make a Poof Poll on the blog so you all can choose your pick!!!!

-Master CoraPoof

Our New Email Address

The Official Poof Email Address:
If you need to contact any Poof Master privately, please write us an email and tell us who you want to talk to. If you would like to go to a Poof Academy you can email us and we'd be happy to help.

Our Poof Masters are: Gollie, Cora, Nova, Sonali, and Claire.
Please write us soon!!!!
-Master GolliePoof

WELCOME to the United Poof Society!

Welcome to the United Poof Society! Everyone is a part of the of the UPS because everyone is a poof! (FYI:We are not a crazy religious group!)  However, NOT everyone is a Poof Master. Only a select group of people are Poof Masters (like me). Poof Masters know everything there is to know about Poofs. To become a Poof Master, you should consult with the other Poof Masters about going to one of the Poof Academies. Please comment to this post if you would like to go to one of the Poof Academies where you can become an official Poof Master.

-Master GolliePoof