Sunday, October 5, 2008

Poofball Game

Yesterday CoraPoof and I were playing around and we tried to think of a good solid Poofball Game that could be the official Poof Game. We kinda sorta came up with some ideas, but we liked them all so we couldn't decide on just one. So here they are for all you Poofs to consider. Let us know which one you think should be the official Poof Game!
1. Throw a ball back and forth and each time the person who throws it claps once, then twice, three times, and so on as long as you can go. Start close and then back up as you keep throwing. If you can't back up any more, try throwing it high. Can be played with as many players as you want!
We will keep posting more ideas periodically. If you come up with any, feel free to post them on comments to this post!

-Master GolliePoof

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