Saturday, October 4, 2008

WELCOME to the United Poof Society!

Welcome to the United Poof Society! Everyone is a part of the of the UPS because everyone is a poof! (FYI:We are not a crazy religious group!)  However, NOT everyone is a Poof Master. Only a select group of people are Poof Masters (like me). Poof Masters know everything there is to know about Poofs. To become a Poof Master, you should consult with the other Poof Masters about going to one of the Poof Academies. Please comment to this post if you would like to go to one of the Poof Academies where you can become an official Poof Master.

-Master GolliePoof

1 comment:

Cora said...

I was granted the privilege to visit a Poof Academy myself and I was able to become a Poof Master myself! So I am officially the second Poof Master on the planet!!!!