Sunday, October 12, 2008

the official poof song should be Banana phone, by Raffi , its really good!
- master Nova Poof


Mollie said...

does that have anything to do with that weird thing those people did where they pretended that their bananas were phones in the mall?

Mollie said...

o ya definitely that's really good

Cora said...

Do you mean that stupid song where they go Ring Ring Ring Ring Banana Phone???? I think the song should be more poof related!
I think we should have another poll. Let's gather all our ideas and then see which one we like the best!!!!

-Master Cora Poof

Cora said...

I think it should be Jason Mraz- I'm Yours.

Cora said...

I also like I Will Survive- Alien Song. Go check it out!!!!

Cora said...

Ooooh I like 'Madagascar I like to move music video'. It's on

Look at it. It's cooool. I'll put these all on a poll but first, does anyone have any other Ideas?

-Master CoraPoof

Cora said...

watch this its cooool too:

Cora said...

Hedwig's theme- I also like the non-techno version:

Very beautiful song.

-Master CoraPoof

Cora said...

Any other ideas????